Witch House

Witch House contain very powerful supernatural powers that can be accessed through the magic wheel!! Player will get candies and a lot of amazing buff!! Roll it and get your rewards now!


Candies X1

Candies X2

Candies X10

Candies x20

Candies x50


  • Reduce Adventure Time for 2 Hours

  • Reduce Dungeon Time for 2 Hours

  • Increase Magic Attack for 10%

  • Increase Magic Defense for 10%

  • Increase Physical Attack for 10%

  • Increase Physical Defense for 10%

  • Reverse Magic Stats to Physical

  • 50% Discount to Off-chain Talisman Enchant

*If player get BUFF on Magic Wheel player will randomly get buff from the buff list above

*Player can stack buff if they get more than one buff (BUFF Duration will increase)

Last updated